Setereke sa Jinghai Tianjin City, China

Ho nchafatsoa ha Sehlopha sa HBIS Ho Indasteri ea tšepe le tšepe

Tlhōlisano ea 'Maraka e sa Feleng e Tsoela Pele ho netefatsa 'Nete e joalo: Ho itšetleha ka Boetapele ba Saense le Theknoloji, Ts'ebetso ea Boqapi, ho Ntlafatsa Lihlahisoa tsa Ts'ebetso ea Sepheo, Lihlahisoa tse Ekelitsoeng ka Boleng bo Phahameng, Ho Eketsa Nts'etsopele le Tlhahiso ea Indasteri ea Litšepe Profinseng ea Hebei, e ka ba Mokhoa oa ho ntlafatsa.

Ha ho Motho ea Nang a Nahana, Ke Botenya Feela ba Tšepe e Tloaelehileng 1 Mm Thinning, Ke Katleho e Khōlō ea Likhoebo tsa Tšepe Ho sebetsana le Phephetso ea Mathata a Lichelete ea Machabeng e Fumanehileng Fulcrum e Matla.

Ka Phato 2008, Ka The Global Financial Crisis Hit, 'Maraka oa Litšepe O Oetse, Lik'hamphani Tse Ngata Tsa Lehae la Litšepe li ile tsa oela Leretseng la Tahlehelo.

Ho Tobana le Phephetso ea 'Maraka, Tangsteel Ka Patlisiso ea Theknoloji, Botenya bo Fetang ba 3 mm ka Tšepe e Tloaelehileng ka Tlas'a ho Thinning ho ea ho 2 millimeter. Ka Litlhahiso Tse Nyenyane Tlhahiso ea Litšepe e Thata, Likhoebo tsa Lehae tsa Tšepe li ka Hlahisa Hanyenyane Feela Lihlahisoa tse Ekelitsoeng Boleng bo Phahameng, Kahoo Ka Ton e Holimo ho Feta Litšepe Tse Tloaelehileng 300 Yuan.

Thin 1 Mm, Tlhahiso ena e bonahalang e le Bonolo ea Sehlahisoa, E re Selemo se seng le se seng ho Feta ho Tsoa 'Maraka Tangsteel e Nke Melemo e Libilione tse 3. "Ho tloha ha Mathata a Machabeng a Lichelete, Tangsteel ha e-ea etsahala ho tloha ka tahlehelo, 2010 e fumana phaello ea li-Yuan tse limilione tse 9." Ho Tsebisoa Molula-setulo oa Tangsteel In Yong.

Tlhōlisano ea 'Maraka e Sehlōhō e Tsoela Pele ho Tiisa 'Nete e Joalo: Ho Itšetleha ka Boetapele ba Saense le Theknoloji, Ts'ebetso ea Boqapi, Ho Ntlafatsa Lihlahisoa tsa Ts'ebetso ea Sepheo, Lihlahisoa tse Ekelitsoeng ka Boleng bo Phahameng, Ho Atolosa Tsoelo-pele le Tlhahiso ea Indasteri ea Litšepe Profinseng ea Hebei, E ka ba Tsela ea ho ntlafatsa.

Hobane Lekhalo La Boleng ba Mefuta-futa ea Porofense ea Hebei, Indasteri ea Litšepe ea 2010 e Ile ea Fumana Kakaretso ea Phaello 90% ea Tlase ho Baosteel

"Indasteri ea Litšepe ea 2010 Profinseng ea Hebei, Kakaretso ea Phaello, Ha e Ntle Joalo ka Phaello ea Sehlopha sa Baosteel." Selelekela sa Akhademi ea Porofense. Motlatsi oa Motsamaisi oa Moruo oa Chenlu.

Lipalo-palo li Bontša Hore Ka 2010, Sehlopha sa Baosteel se Fumana Kakaretso ea Phaello ea 236.19 Bilione ea Yuan. Indasteri e Tšoanang ea Litšepe e Fumane phaello Kakaretso Profinseng ea Hebei 211.51 Bilione ea Yuan Le Ka Tlase ho 90% ea Baosteel.

Likheo tsa Phaello, Pontšo ea Phapang ea Sebopeho sa Sehlahisoa.

"Auto Panel ke Sehlahisoa sa Baosteel." Mongoli-Kakaretso oa Mokhatlo oa Liindasteri tsa Metallurgy Profinseng ea Wangdayong o Tsebisitse Pele, Phanele ea Likoloi ea Baosteel, e Hapiloe Kabelo ea 'Maraka ea Naha ea Monopoly ea mose ho Maoatle, e Fetang 50% ea Phaello e Tlohelang ho Finyella Li-Ton Likete tsa Yuan Rmb Laid Solid Foundation.

Ka Phanele ea Likoloi, Baosteel le Nts'etsopele e Potlako ea Indasteri ea Likoloi e Kopantsoeng Hantle Mmoho, E eme Karolong ea Boleng ba Indasteri ea Litšepe ea Boemo bo Phahameng.

Ha e le hantle, e Thehiloe holim'a ho Hlahisa Tech Tech Content, High Ekelitsoeng Boleng, Fetola Lihlahisoa tsa Ts'epi, Hona joale Sehlahisoa Camp Baosteel, Se Se se Bokelitsoe ka Tšepe, Koloi ea Lehae e nang le Tšepe, Litšepe Tsa Oli, Tšepe ea Cold Rolled Silicon, Stainless Steel, High. Alloy Steel And Other Products, Eba Mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea International Competitive High-Quality Goods Steel Production Base.

Empa, Joalo ka Porofense ea Pele ea Changang, Hebei Steel Industries e theha Sehlahisoa se Felletseng 'me Eng?

Leha ho na le Bokhoni, Empa e se e na le lithane tse fetang limilione tse Hebei e ntse e sena Phanele ea Likoloi tsa Tlhahiso le Lihlahisoa tse ling tse phahameng tsa tšepe. Lethathamo la Lethathamo la Profinse ea Hebei, Le Lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tse kang tšepe, Narrowband Daluhuo Products E ntse e le Karolo e Khōlō ka ho Fetisisa ea Sehlahisoa. Lipalo-palo li Bontša Hore, Ka 2010, The Two Products Production, Accounting For Over 40 Million Tons Of Accumulative Total Steel 29.98% Province. "Ha e le hantle, lilemong tsa morao tjena, indasteri ea Hebei Iron & Steel ha e e-s'o ka e emisa lebelo la ho fetola sebopeho sa sehlahisoa." Wangdayong o boletse, Empa ho fihlela joale, lihlahisoa tsa mantlha, lihlahisoa tse tlase li fetelletse, lihlahisoa tse ekelitsoeng ka boleng bo phahameng maemong a tlase ha lia fetoha phetoho ea mantlha. “Le ha tse ling tsa Likhoebo tse Nyenyane le tse Meholo e Metle e Bohareng li Etsa Le lilemo tse Leshome li sa fetohe.” Wangdayong Matšoenyeho-A Nang le Matšoenyeho Ground Say.

2010, Hebei Iron And Steel Group, Lihlopha Tse kang Baosteel, In Wisco, A Group Enterprise Study Inspections Data Of Testing Data Of Testing, E re Moifo o Ame Haholo:

Halofong ea Pele ea 2010, Baosteel e arolelana Ton 5839 Yuan, Lekeno la Mokeno o Tšoanang oa Khoebo ka Hebei Iron &Steel Group Ton Bakeng sa 3739 Yuan. "Likabelo Tsa Baosteel Tsa Moputso oa Khoebo ke Tšepe ea Rōna, Ho Bolelang Hore Re Rekisa Ka makhetlo a 1.56 ka Moputso oa Tšepe oa Lithane tse 3, Hape ha Baosteel e Abelana Lekeno le Phahameng la Thekiso ea Lithane tse 2 tsa tšepe." Hebei Iron And Steel Group, Molula-setulo, o itse Wangyifang Ho tsoa Lekhalong la Boleng ba Mefuta-futa, Indasteri ea tšepe ea Hebei e bonahala e potlakisitse lebelo la ho ntlafatsa le ho ntlafatsa sebopeho sa sehlahisoa se se se le teng.

Qetellong, Indasteri ea Litšepe Ka Lekhalo la Theknoloji ea Core e ntse e le teng

Ho Potlakisa Ntlafatso le Ntlafatso ea Sebopeho sa Sehlahisoa, Ho Eketsa Tsoelo-pele ea Lihlahisoa tse Ekelitsoeng ka Boleng bo Phahameng, Hebei Iron And Steel Industries Anchor? "Baosteel le eona ha e qale ho hlahisa Panel ea Likoloi." Kenyelletso ea Wangdayong, Liphanele tsa Likoloi tsa ho Bua ka Baosteel, Hape li bile le Boiphihlelo ba Ts'ebetso ea Kaho. Lilemong tsa bo-1980, tse Lebisitsoeng ho 'Maraka oa Lehae, Baosteel Clear-Cut Car Panel Ho Lihlahisoa tsena tse Ekelitsoeng ka Boleng tse Phahameng ka ho Fetisisa e Launch Sprints.


10 Mill Rocks. Itšetlehe ka Matsete a Tsoelang Pele a R&D, Ka mor'a Tlhahiso ea Linako Tse Ngatang, Baosteel Qetellong e Theha Tlhahiso e ngata ea Boto ea Likoloi ea Theknoloji ea Boipheliso. Matsatsing ana, Baosteel In Automobile Board Fields Na le 47 Patents, 102 Items Technical Know-How, And Leading Developed The Country Auto Plate Production Standard, Ba ne ba Har'a The World's Top Auto Plate "First Phalanx,". "Baosteel E bolokile Boqapi ba Theknoloji e le Mokhoa oa Bophelo oa Nts'etsopele ea Likhoebo." Wangdayong E Tsebahatsa, Hajoale, Naha ea Rona Ba batlang Mosebetsi oa Ts'epe ea Ts'ebetso e na le Patent ea 2046 ea Boqapi, Ba bang ba 40% ba Baosteel ba na le eona.

Silicon In Steel, e Tsejoang e le Art ea Hajoale ea Machabeng, Ke Banyane feela ba Likhoebo ba ka Hlahisang. Ka Innovation e sa Feleng ea Theknoloji, Wisco e ithutile Theknoloji ea A Core. Matsatsing ana, mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea Wisco Silicon Technology ea Advanced, Ka boiketlo, Moetsi oa Pele oa Lehae le oa Machabeng, 29generations Equals. Itšetlehe ka Innovation e Ikemetseng, Wisco Iketsetse Sehlahisoa se Lefshoang "Holimo Lefatšeng". "Qetellong, Indasteri ea Litšepe le Tšepe Profinseng ea Hebei e ntse e le Mahlaleng a Boreleli." Litlhahlobo tsa Wangdayong ho The Sci-Tech Innovation, Baosteel, e Ikemiseditseng ho Nka Khoebo ea Sehlopha sa Pele ea Wisco e Sireletsoeng Bakeng sa Ho lema, R&D le ho Etsa Silicon Steel Technology, ho $3 Bilione ho Wisco e Buletse "Silicon Steel Laboratory, Tokiso. "Hantle feela bakeng sa Lab ea matsoho a boima, o behile li-Yuan tse limilione tse tharo. Ho haella ha likhoebo tsa Hebei Steel ke mofuta oa mamello le ho khanna. ” Wangdayong Said, 'me Baosteel, Matla a Mangata a Tekheniki a Wisco Contrast, e ikarabellang bakeng sa 70% ea Kakaretso ea Likhoebo tse ikemetseng tsa tšepe Profinseng ea Hebei empa ha e na khaello ea litalenta tsa profeshenale, khaello ea matsete a R&D ho ho hlabisang lihlong. Hona joale K'hamphani ea Litšepe e Ka bang 200 e na le Bongata ba Patent, e ka Tlase ho Nngwe Borarong ea Baosteel.

Ka lebaka la Khaello ea Matla a R&D Profinseng ea Hebei, Lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tse 'marakeng li nchafatsoa butle, ha u tsamaea le ba bang feela. Joalo ka Likhoebo tsa Bohlokoa tsa Tšepe Profinseng ea Hebei, Tangsteel, Setsi sa Theknoloji sa Hanghang Leha ho le joalo, Empa Hore na Matla a Naha Kapa Liphihlello tsa Nts'etsopele ea Lipatlisiso tsa Mahlale, 'Me joalo ka Baosteel First-Class Enterprise System. Haholo-holo Libakeng Tse Ling Tsa Bohlokoa Le Tsoelo-pele ea Kereiti ea Ts'epe e Ekelitsoeng ka Boleng bo Phahameng.Tsepe tsena, Matla a ntse a Bontša ho Fokotsa.

Hebei Iron & Steel Industries e kholo empa e se matla, e tla ts'oaroa ho tloha nalaneng ea theknoloji ea theknoloji, pheletso ea sehlahisoa se seng le se seng sa Ace.

Hebei Iron Steel Indasteri ea Lihlahisoa le Theknoloji Bakeng sa Makhethe "Boto e Khutšoane" Hakae?

Qetellong ea 2010, Handan e Ncha ea Cold Rolling Project E Felisitsoe 'me e Kentsoe Ts'ebetsong, Hangang e Sentse Lilemo Tse Hlano Kaho ea Sebaka se Secha Qetellong E Felletse ka Khotsofatsang. Ka Matsete Kakaretso a Li-Yuan tse Libilione tse 194 tsa Thepa ea Setereke sa Hangang e Sebelisitsoeng Lefats'eng la Kajeno la Metallurgy Indasteri e Isang Moeli oa Theknoloji, e Khōlileng, e Emelang Boemo ba Thepa ea tšepe e tsoetseng pele ka ho Fetisisa Lefatšeng.

Thepa ea Hardware ke Indasteri ea Litšepe, Thepa ea Sehlopha sa Pele, ho Hlahisa Lihlahisoa tsa maemo a holimo. Lilemong tsa morao tjena, Hammoho le Shougang Beijing Tang, Setereke sa Hangang le Morero o Mong oa Kaho ea Phetoho ea Sebopeho sa Liindasteri, Indasteri ea Litšepe Profinseng ea Hebei "" Fetola Lisebelisoa tse Lemohuoang Pele tsa Mekhahlelo e Kholo, ea Sejoale-joale, 'me e Thehile Motheo oa Holimo. -End Sprint Industrial.

10 Mill Rocks. Itšetlehe ka Matsete a Tsoelang Pele a R&D, Ka mor'a Tlhahiso ea Linako Tse Ngatang, Baosteel Qetellong e Theha Tlhahiso e ngata ea Boto ea Likoloi ea Theknoloji ea Boipheliso. Matsatsing ana, Baosteel In Automobile Board Fields Na le 47 Patents, 102 Items Technical Know-How, And Leading Developed The Country Auto Plate Production Standard, Ba ne ba Har'a The World's Top Auto Plate "First Phalanx,". "Baosteel E bolokile Boqapi ba Theknoloji e le Mokhoa oa Bophelo oa Nts'etsopele ea Likhoebo." Wangdayong E Tsebahatsa, Hajoale, Naha ea Rona Ba batlang Mosebetsi oa Ts'epe ea Ts'ebetso e na le Patent ea 2046 ea Boqapi, Ba bang ba 40% ba Baosteel ba na le eona.

Silicon In Steel, e Tsejoang e le Art ea Hajoale ea Machabeng, Ke Banyane feela ba Likhoebo ba ka Hlahisang. Ka Innovation e sa Feleng ea Theknoloji, Wisco e ithutile Theknoloji ea A Core. Matsatsing ana, mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea Wisco Silicon Technology ea Advanced, Ka boiketlo, Moetsi oa Pele oa Lehae le oa Machabeng, 29generations Equals. Itšetlehe ka Innovation e Ikemetseng, Wisco Iketsetse Sehlahisoa se Lefshoang "Holimo Lefatšeng". "Qetellong, Indasteri ea Litšepe le Tšepe Profinseng ea Hebei e ntse e le Mahlaleng a Boreleli." Litlhahlobo tsa Wangdayong ho The Sci-Tech Innovation, Baosteel, e Ikemiseditseng ho Nka Khoebo ea Sehlopha sa Pele ea Wisco e Sireletsoeng Bakeng sa Ho lema, R&D le ho Etsa Silicon Steel Technology, ho $3 Bilione ho Wisco e Buletse "Silicon Steel Laboratory, Tokiso. "Hantle feela bakeng sa Lab ea matsoho a boima, o behile li-Yuan tse limilione tse tharo. Ho haella ha likhoebo tsa Hebei Steel ke mofuta oa mamello le ho khanna. ” Wangdayong Said, 'me Baosteel, Matla a Mangata a Tekheniki a Wisco Contrast, e ikarabellang bakeng sa 70% ea Kakaretso ea Likhoebo tse ikemetseng tsa tšepe Profinseng ea Hebei empa ha e na khaello ea litalenta tsa profeshenale, khaello ea matsete a R&D ho ho hlabisang lihlong. Hona joale K'hamphani ea Litšepe e Ka bang 200 e na le Bongata ba Patent, e ka Tlase ho Nngwe Borarong ea Baosteel.

Ka lebaka la Khaello ea Matla a R&D Profinseng ea Hebei, Lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tse 'marakeng li nchafatsoa butle, ha u tsamaea le ba bang feela. Joalo ka Likhoebo tsa Bohlokoa tsa Tšepe Profinseng ea Hebei, Tangsteel, Setsi sa Theknoloji sa Hanghang Leha ho le joalo, Empa Hore na Matla a Naha Kapa Liphihlello tsa Nts'etsopele ea Lipatlisiso tsa Mahlale, 'Me joalo ka Baosteel First-Class Enterprise System. Haholo-holo Libakeng Tse Ling Tsa Bohlokoa Le Tsoelo-pele ea Kereiti ea Ts'epe e Ekelitsoeng ka Boleng bo Phahameng.Tsepe tsena, Matla a ntse a Bontša ho Fokotsa.

Hebei Iron & Steel Industries e kholo empa e se matla, e tla ts'oaroa ho tloha nalaneng ea theknoloji ea theknoloji, pheletso ea sehlahisoa se seng le se seng sa Ace.

Hebei Iron Steel Indasteri ea Lihlahisoa le Theknoloji Bakeng sa Makhethe "Boto e Khutšoane" Hakae?

Qetellong ea 2010, Handan e Ncha ea Cold Rolling Project E Felisitsoe 'me e Kentsoe Ts'ebetsong, Hangang e Sentse Lilemo Tse Hlano Kaho ea Sebaka se Secha Qetellong E Felletse ka Khotsofatsang. Ka Matsete Kakaretso a Li-Yuan tse Libilione tse 194 tsa Thepa ea Setereke sa Hangang e Sebelisitsoeng Lefats'eng la Kajeno la Metallurgy Indasteri e Isang Moeli oa Theknoloji, e Khōlileng, e Emelang Boemo ba Thepa ea tšepe e tsoetseng pele ka ho Fetisisa Lefatšeng.

Thepa ea Hardware ke Indasteri ea Litšepe, Thepa ea Sehlopha sa Pele, ho Hlahisa Lihlahisoa tsa maemo a holimo. Lilemong tsa morao tjena, Hammoho le Shougang Beijing Tang, Setereke sa Hangang le Morero o Mong oa Kaho ea Phetoho ea Sebopeho sa Liindasteri, Indasteri ea Litšepe Profinseng ea Hebei "" Fetola Lisebelisoa tse Lemohuoang Pele tsa Mekhahlelo e Kholo, ea Sejoale-joale, 'me e Thehile Motheo oa Holimo. -End Sprint Industrial. Ha ho khoneha E ba Theknoloji ea Motheo ea The Strong, Hebei Iron & Steel Group e Hlophisitseng Liphuputso tsa Mahlale, Ikitlaelletse ho Beha Theknoloji ea Pele ea Tlholisano ea Machabeng: Ka 2008, Chelete ea Ts'ebetso ea Theknoloji ea Li-Yuan tse limilione tse 26.57, Etsa qeto le ho kenya ts'ebetsong Theknoloji e 30. Merero ea Boqapi; 2010, Accumulative Total Ho Feta 120 Litulo, 'me Nts'etsopele ea Mefuta e Mecha ea Tekanyetso ea tšepe ka 41% Eketsa Mefuta e Fetang 60%, Sekhahla se Secha sa Tlatsetso se Fihlile 8.5%.

Ho fihlela hajoale, Sehlopha sa Hebei Iron & Steel se se se Bokelletse Lintho Tse Fetang 220 tsa ho Reka Lihlahisoa, 'me se na le tse fetang 80 tse nang le Litokelo tse Ikemetseng tsa Thepa ea Bohlale, Theha Theknoloji ea Motheo ea Maemo a mahlano a Sehlahisoa sa Naha.

Ho sa le joalo, Ba bangata ba Private Steel Enterprise Hape ho Potlakisa Lebelo la Profinse ea Hebei Lintlafatso tsa Theknoloji Lefapheng la Ts'epe, Sebopeho sa Sehlahisoa ke Metamorphosis e khutsitseng: 2010, Hebei Iron & Steel Industry Products Value Finish New 286 Billion Yuan, A Record; 23 Ntho e Hlōtseng Boleng ba Sehlahisoa sa Naha sa Metallurological; Re Tech Tech Content, High Value-Add Products E Eketsehile, The Proporting Of Cold Rolling Six Plate Thin 6479.87 Tons, Complete Varieties 28.21%, Accounts For The Year-on-year Eketsa 38.67% Of Total Steel. "Lilemong tse Hlano tse tlang, sehlopha sa Hebei Iron & Steel Sehlahisoang sa R&D Investment se tla feta Yuan ea limilione tse 800, se potlakele ho ea Panel ea Likoloi le Lintho tse ling tsa Theknoloji e Phahameng le Lihlahisoa tse Ekelitsoeng ka Boleng bo Phahameng." Wangyifang Said.

Ho Tsoa Mohopolong oa Nts'etsopele ea Pele, Ho Tloha Boemong bo Tlase ba Tlholisano ho Moetso oa Scale o Lokolotsoeng, Khoebo ea Ts'epe e Hlakileng ka ho Fetisisa ho ea ho Indasteri e Phahameng e Phahameng. Hebei Iron & Steel Industries E kholo empa e se Nalane e Matla, hape e tla ts'oaroa ka Ace e le 'ngoe ea Innovation ea Theknoloji, Qetellong ea Sehlahisoa.

Nako ea poso: Nov-16-2018