Setereke sa Jinghai Tianjin City, China

Khoebo ea kantle ho naha ea China e bonts'a botsitso har'a kholo e tsitsitseng

BEIJING, Phuptjane 7 (Xinhua) - Kakaretso ea thepa le thepa e romelloang kantle ho naha ea China e eketsehile ka liperesente tse 4.7 selemo le selemo ho isa ho li-yuan tse litrilione tse 16.77 likhoeling tse hlano tse qalang tsa 2023, e bonts'a botsitso bo tsoelang pele har'a tlhokahalo ea kantle e monyebe.

Thepa e tsoang kantle e eketsehile ka liperesente tse 8.1 selemo le selemo ha thepa e tsoang kantle e ile ea nyoloha ka liperesente tse 0.5 likhoeling tse hlano tse qalang, General Administration of Customs (GAC) e boletse Laboraro.

Ho latela lidolara tsa Amerika, khoebo ea kantle ho naha e fihlile ho lidolara tse libilione tsa 2.44 ka nako eo.

Ka Mots'eanong feela, khoebo ea kantle ho naha e eketsehile liperesente tse 0.5 selemo le selemo, e tšoaea khoeli ea bone e latellanang ea kholo ea khoebo ea kantle ho naha, ho latela GAC.

Ho tloha ka Pherekhong ho isa Mots'eanong, khoebo le linaha tseo e leng litho tsa Tumellano e Pharalletseng ea Moruo oa Lebatooa e bile le kholo e tsitsitseng, e ikarabellang ho feta liperesente tse 30 tsa kakaretso ea khoebo ea kantle ho naha, data ea GAC ​​e bontšitse.

Sekhahla sa kholo ea khoebo ea Chaena le Mokhatlo oa Linaha tsa Asia Boroa-bochabela le European Union li ne li eme ho liphesente tse 9,9 le liphesente tse 3,6 ka ho latellana.

Khoebo ea Chaena le linaha tsa Belt and Road e nyolohile ka liperesente tse 13.2 selemo le selemo ho ea ho li-yuan tse libilione tse 5.78 nakong eo.

Haholo-holo, khoebo le linaha tse hlano tsa Asia Bohareng - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan le Uzbekistan - e eketsehile ka liperesente tse 44 selemo le selemo, ho boletse GAC.

Nakong ea Pherekhong-Mots'eanong, thepa e tsoang kantle le e romelloang kantle ke likhoebo tsa poraefete e nyolohile ka liperesente tse 13.1 ho isa ho li-yuan tse libilione tse 8.86, e leng karolo ea 52.8 lekholong ea kakaretso ea naha.

Mabapi le mefuta ea thepa, thomello ea thepa ea mochini le ea motlakase e atolohile ka liperesente tse 9.5 ho isa liperesente tse 57.9 tsa kakaretso ea thepa e romelloang kantle.

China e hlahisitse letoto la mehato ea leano la ho tsitsisa sekhahla le ho ntlafatsa sebopeho sa khoebo ea kantle ho naha, e thusitseng bahoebi ba khoebo ka mafolofolo ho arabela liphephetso tse tlisoang ke ho fokolisa tlhoko ea kantle le ho nka menyetla ea mebaraka ka nepo, ho boletse Lyu Daliang, ofisiri le GAC. .

Lekala la Khoebo le boletse ka Mantaha hore naha e ntse e aha 'maraka oa lapeng o shebaneng le lefats'e o bulehileng ka botlalo. Mmaraka o kopane o tla fana ka ditheo tse fapaneng tsa mmaraka, ho kenyeletswa le dikgwebo tse beeletsweng kantle ho naha, ka tikoloho e betere le lebala le leholoanyane.

Lipontšo tsa moruo, liphatlalatso tsa khoebo le mekhoa e khethehileng ea ho sebetsa bakeng sa merero e meholo ea matsete a kantle ho naha e tla sebelisoa ka mokhoa o ntlafetseng ho fana ka lipolanete tse ngata le litšebeletso tse molemo, ho latela lekala.

Ho boloka khoebo ea kantle ho naha e tsitsitse, naha e tla hlahisa menyetla e mengata, e tsitsise khoebo ea lihlahisoa tsa bohlokoa le ho tšehetsa lik'hamphani tsa khoebo tsa kantle ho naha.

Ho ntlafatsa sebopeho sa khoebo ea kantle ho naha, China e tla theha litekanyetso tse tala le tsa khabone e tlase bakeng sa lihlahisoa tse ling tsa khoebo ea kantle, ho tataisa likhoebo ho sebelisa hantle maano a lekhetho a amanang le thekiso ea thekiso ea kantle ho naha a marang-rang le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso e ntle ea tumello ea lekhetho.

Nako ea poso: Jun-08-2023